New Build Residential
If you own a property with enough garden land to build an additional dwelling(s), or you are thinking of demolishing an existing structure and rebuild, or own a piece of land that sits within a settlement policy boundary, we can advise you on how to go about such a project from concept to completion and construct an attractive building that will enhance your streetscene and provide you and your family with an idyllic new home.
Should you intend to sell the land with planning permission for a new property, also see Land for alternative options to financing a planning application.
The full applicable workstages for new builds are:
Feasibility Studies
Outline or Full Planning Application
'Reserved Matters' Planning Application (following Outline Applications only)
Building Regulations
Production / Construction Information
Tender, Tender Action
Contract Administration of the build
Above: The front and rear sketch elevations of a 5,500 sq. ft. new build house in an early 'arts & crafts' style with additional garage / annex accommodation in Beech, Hampshire. Planning permission was granted in 2014, and is currently under construction.
Above: Proposed new-build Victorian styled three storey town houses, Alton, Hampshire.